now this is what i call a weekend well spent!!! i warn u first.. this is going to be one hell of a long blog.. so just pick some sentences to read.. n zoom through.. haha..
we all went to Empire Hotel (the best hotel in southeast asia) on saturday to spend the nite there.. ok.. i've got to say.. the planning was not perfect.. n the trip was even nearly cancelled due to transportation problems n other factors.. dun even wanna mention it.. my parents drove me n the gals up to bandar.. picked up lee's cousin's car.. went to my shop.. had some measurements taken (my mum's making me a dress.. ^^).. then went to the hotel to check in.. the first time ever that i've stayed in a suite.. even though it's a junior suite.. it's still a suite.. the room wasn't as nice as i thought it would be.. but it's good enough.. we wanted to book 2 rooms at first.. but still decided that we all wanted to be in the same room.. besides the price is cheaper.. so ended up 15 ppl cramming into 1 room.. 11 boys vs 4 gals.. lolxx..
we 4 gals enjoyed the room first.. haha.. did funny things.. chien n jacq had "lesbo sex".. haha.. dunno whether lee has the video or not?? took our time to freshen up ourselves.. then went for complementary afternoon tea in the lounge.. felt so high class la me.. felt like we were daughters of millionnaires just enjoying our weekend in a high class hotel.. had cakes, scones, sandwiches, juice n tea.. we ate till we were so so so full.. but that still didn't stop us from swimming.. lolxx.. we decided to go before the boys came.. we went in the jacuzzi first.. the water pressure was too strong for me i guess.. the water hit my back so pain loooo.. couldn't sleep straight that nite.. like now i touch my back so pain.. feel as if it's bruised.. i'm sure it's the jacuzzi coz i didn't do anything that would hurt my hips that day.. then went to the swimming pool which was just right beside the jacuzzi.. can hop from one place to another.. lolxx.. taught the gals how to float.. haha.. i'm a bad teacher.. it wasn't a success.. but neither was it a total failure.. lolxxx~~~ then.. went up to sunbathe a little.. lolxx.. the guys then came.. brought them to our room.. got back down.. the boys also wanted to swim ma.. but some went to the country club.. they went to the spa i guess.. got sauna etc.. n omg.. something scary happened to me loo!!! the waiter suddenly brought a can of coke to me.. i thought the other gals ordered a drink.. but then the waiter said: "this is complementary from the VIP guess over there.. just for u..".. i straight away.. =_=''''''''''''''''''''.. didn't dare to drink it.. can't even see there's anyone in that direction.. then the boys came let them drink.. ^_^.. then the waiter passed by again n said: "will u be coming tomolo? he wants to see u.." go to hell la whoever u r! i was really so scared man! i didn't even dare to go swimming the next day.. but then.. forget it la.. dun care who that freaking person is..
at nite.. went out for dinner.. before dinner.. we made a "porn"movie.. HAHAHA!! of coz not real la.. so funny.. i couldn't stop laughing.. n so many audience.. then 11pm like that went to Jerudong Park. wanted to go watch movie.. but majority wanted to go JP. so many of the rides were sold.. n if not sold.. no maintenance so cannot go on them.. stupid la.. but anyway.. went on boat paddling first.. lolxx.. so so so funny.. n i was wearing skirt.. luckily it was at nite or else ppl would've saw my underwear.. lolxx.. nvm.. 3 boats altogether.. 2 other boats had 2 guy paddlers each.. we were the only boat with 2 gal paddlers.. but we weren't last oooo.. in fact i think we were leading.. but i sweat like hell la ha.. then when we decided to switch to let the boys paddle.. wahahaha.. this is the funny part.. we became last.. n the boys couldn't steer the boat.. we steered right.. the boat went to the left side.. no matter what we do.. it just went left.. so had the other 2 boats rescue us.. hit the boat on the back to make it go right.. still cannot.. lolx.. got rope one ma the boat.. let them pull us back la.. but the guards on the bridge above us came n told us off.. haha.. but then got sorted la.. was able to paddle back.. then we went on merry-go-round.. urmmm.. forgot the nxt ride.. wanted to play giant drop.. but it was closed.. issit water splash? i know we went on 3 rounds for that.. kevin, lee n me sat together.. each of us took turns to sit in front, in the middle n at the back of the boat.. screamed until my throat hurt man.. at the highest peak.. me n thien lee screamed: "ngo hai leng lui.." n kevin screamed:"ngo hai leng zai.." so funny!!!
the gals went back to the hotel.. the guys remained.. not all went to JP.. by the time we reached back.. they were hving pillow fight.. lolness.. i joined in.. first played against lee.. the score was 2-1.. i was leading i think.. then she forfeit.. so i won.. then i played against jacq.. 1-1.. then she forfeit.. but then decided to play against me.. n forfeit again!!! anyway.. then the other room got party.. a room turned into a party/disco room man.. my goodness they all.. went for less than 5 min.. i left the place.. didn't like it.. full of alcohol n drugs..
went back to my room.. guess what we decided to do.. wash hair!!!!!! u know like those in the saloon.. haha.. so funny.. i help Jian wash his hair.. coz he picked no.1.. there was a long queue man.. 8 ppl wanted their hair washed.. then YuBing was helping Kevin wash his hair.. he taught me how to wash la.. lolxxx.. so funny..
chee fung brought lee back.. she came in real drunk.. n puked man.. i was there to look after her.. only slept at 5am like that.. i'm lucky to hv got the bed.. the rest slept on sofa n on the floor.. a lot woke up to complain that their necks hurt.. haha.. n that YuBing ah.. i woke up to go to toilet.. came back.. the next thing i know.. he took my place already!!! ggrrrr!!! then nvm lo.. already woke up liao.. we all went swimming again.. we played the boat game in a big circle this time.. so funny also..
then nothing much already la.. had to go back.. shower n then check out of hotel.. lunch.. went back home.. a really fun weekend indeed!!!!.. just that lack of communication.. then at the hotel everyone had to fight for the shower.. n the room was so so so messy.. the toilet also.. the whole floor wet la.. n the nxt day.. everyone was like no mood like that.. too tired.. lolxxx.. we should do something like this again nxt time.. as lee said.. enjoy enjoy enjoy!!
just now went to tamu.. drove the BMW.. at last.. ate kebab (which is different from uk's kebab) n my beloved chicken butt!!!! so yummy.. hv to celebrate.. hahaha!!! stupid me.. ^_^
despite all these.. something's still missing.. Mr Wong! how r u ar?? u never contact me gei?? it's like we've totally lost contact.. so sad.. surely u've forgotten me already.. missing u terribly.. everytime i hv fun.. i'll think of u.. wishing u were here n i'll keep quite there lost in my world thinking of u.. sigh.. dunno y.. i know u won't think of me as much as i think of u.. oh well.. guess i'm the fool..