happy dumpling festival!!! hehe.. hvn't been to the beach for this festival in yrs.. 2-3 yrs maybe??? the last time i went.. i lost my ring.. it's just a pair of ring that couples hv.. had our names engraved on it.. "JIANSHIN".. but that's in the past.. lolxxx.. someone pushed me into the water.. i fell n my ring just slipped outta my hand like that.. learnt my lesson from that day.. never wear anything except ur clothes.. or even better.. dun wear anything at all.. haha.. =P
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
i'm boreddddd... supposed to be revising.. but the instant i look at my business studies notes... i just wanna throw everything away.. or it'll just make me sleepy.. help me!!!! =S=S=S i need to find something to motivate me.. any ideas?? at the meantime.. i've been counting how many nicknames i've got.. lolxx.. i could even make a list..
- krys
- shin
- kei
- krysie/kryssie (created by Shu)
- baby (my parents used to call me that)
- tou fu (created by my mum from krysTAL FOO)
- krystal foo toothpick (created by my beloved cousins Ben n Jo)
- siao hei ren ("small black person"..dun even wanna mention where i got it)
- tan tai liang (surname "Tan".. "Tai Liang" is too bright in mandarin)
- foo tai san (by Dickson.. dunno what it means though)
- teddy (by Fei Hao)
- kryskrys (created by frens in the UK)
- taltal (created by Vicky Li)
- fu fu (got it flipping through a book of african dishes)
- dai zong zee (show middle finger in cantonese.. lolxx)
- Ky (pronounced as "Kai".. all thanx to my biz teacher)
- little bunny foo foo (thanks JD!! lol..)
Friday, May 26, 2006
arrived safe n sound at my guardian's.. back to this place again la.. no particular feeling towards it.. oh well.. at least get to go online.. dl tv series like the oc, desperate housewives, one tree hill n lost.. muahahahaha!!!! ^_^v
post some pics of my last skool day..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the ever crazy chem teacher Miss Boultby & Angel & I
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me, Susan, Sam & Helen
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me & Vicky
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ got flour thrown at me.. well actually everyone else ducked outta the way except me with slow reflex... lol..
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
officially the last day of skool today.. mixture of emotions.. happy n sad at the same time.. =S=S was nearly late for the leavers' assembly this morning. there was a video on the year group with pics of ppl when they were in form1 or 2 onwards.. which i thought was really cool n really funny.. they were all so cute!!!! kawaii ne!! lolxxx.. then came to the part where certificates were given out for "awards".. like the best party award.. or the worst driver award.. n my god!! so embarrassing.. Ken n i won "the Mr&Mrs Saul Award for the cutest couple".. both of us got up to get the certificate.. i was blushing like what la.. n the ppl were shouting "give her a kiss.." lolxxxx.. but i'm really proud though!! out of so many couples.. choose us.. hahaha.. at least got something to remember our time spent in RGS.. definitely going to keep it forever.. lolxx.. luv u to pieces Ken!!! haha.. ^^
then we went up to the sixth form common room to hv our lunch buffet.. a lot of ppl said congrats on the award. haha.. everyone was taking pics n writing on each others' shirts.. ppl even cried.. n Susan cried n said she was gonna miss me so so much.. haha.. bless her!!!! Mrs Saul even approached me n said i was a really gd student n it's been a pleasure to teach me.. haha.. cool ei?? omg.. she even asked whether i was proud to be her successor n be given the title of "Mr&Mrs Saul".. i was like =_=".. lolxxx.. then nothing much la after that.. the rest of the yr group went to fren's houses n went out all day long.. i couldn't really be bothered tho.. n it was raining.. oh well.. =)=).. n in the afternoon.. the boarding hse got trashed in flour.. haha.. really loads of flour on the floor n the sofa.. Roxy n Amy did it.. they're gonna get into trouble.. but i doubt it'll be anything serious tho..
going to my guardian's this friday.. better get myself in the revision mode.. need to get the grades i need to get into warwick.. mechanics already 1 disaster.. sigh.. but still.. add oil la me.. ^_^v
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
replied to my offers la.. Warwick 1st choice.. nottingham 2nd choice.. now all i hv to do is to work hard.. hehe.. but still kinda not in the working mode lately.. =_=".. just feel de-motivated.. coz when i do work.. there r loads that i dunno how to do.. n that just pisses me off.. haha.. especially C4.. i've done 2 timed papers now n i just keep flunking them.. sigh.. oh well.. i've started stocking up now.. bought food n drinks.. need energy while revising.. lolxxxx.. getting fat again lu...
Friday, May 05, 2006
at last the weather here is great.. first time in so long i can just wear a t-shirt out n enjoy the sun.. lolxx.. but oh well.. came back from blackpool almost 2 weeks already.. didn't do any revision at all during the hols.. was so scared to go to my business lessons.. n turned out Mr Andrew picked on me like hell.. couldn't do anything.. felt so miserable n just kept quiet.. =(
last weekend got chucked out by the boarding hse coz it's May Day Bank Holiday.. ended up staying at Sarah's.. went out to the pub n went to the Matrix on friday nite.. it was one hell of a night.. had a little too much to drink n ended up puking twice.. lolxx.. ppl kept buying me drinks n wanted me to finish everything at one go.. goodness.. but it was fun.. then didn't feel like going out on saturday.. stayed at home all day long.. even though.. didn't do any work.. =S=S hehe.. went to Kathy's on sunday.. they were all drinking.. but i just drank water.. gd girl ei?? ^_^v n watched movie.. Pride& Prejudice then southpark.. was singing the whole way thru the movie.. lolxx.. even though it's only one short weekend.. i think it's probably the best holiday i've had.. like the halfterm i went to Natasha's.. that was horrible.. then one halfterm went to my guardian's.. that wasn't particularly nice as well.. then easter.. it was ok.. but really boring!!! for these i couldn't wait till the end of holiday.. sigh.. -_-.. had always admired those that really enjoyed their hols.. like sonia.. every time she comes back.. she keeps on going on n on n on abt how fun her hols was.. could just sit n listen n wished mine was as fun.. =(=(
after the weekend.. stayed up 2 nites just to catch up with work.. i had terrible panda eyes i tell u.. lolxx.. it was so dark around my eyes.. haha.. at last caught up with my work yesterday.. n had a break.. but i hv to start working hard again today.. got loads of work.. won't hv enuf time to finish my work this weekend.. going out with my hunny 2moro.. fun fun!! =D=D=D pls dun rain..!!!
oh oh oh.. one more thing.. i was on the newspaper on wednesday.. i think.. i forgot.. muahahahaha.. it was just abt boarding la.. of coz got others as well.. but then took pics in my room.. Miss Boultby was pointing n laughing at me just now during her lesson.. n said: "u're in the papers!!!" u dunno how embarrassing it was.. everyone was looking at me.. n she even guessed it was my room.. she said coz it was very neat.. =_=.. n i even told her the papers stuck on my wall were all transition metal reactions n their colours etc.. she was laughing at me.. haha.. n before her lesson.. me n Nate were hving water fights.. lolxxx.. Nate was in his form.. then i went in to put my bag down.. too heavy to carry.. hehe.. then the next thing i knew.. my face was wet.. he pointed his bottle at me n squeezed.. he quickly ran off.. then Sam passed me a deionised water bottle.. i quickly ran outside.. he was still at the staircase.. n sprayed water at him.. but keep missing.. Dr Grime caught us though.. n nearly got scolded.. he said he wasn't impressed.. n u should see the look on his face.. waaaaaa... =_="