
mwaks mwaks mwaks... v^_^v
the only thing that is missing is u by my side.. but i guess what's important is that we're in each other's hearts.. =P love u!!!
mwaks mwaks mwaks... v^_^v
the only thing that is missing is u by my side.. but i guess what's important is that we're in each other's hearts.. =P love u!!!
i'm supposed to be doing my coursework now.. it's due in next week but i just can't concentrate.. more like doing other stuff than what i'm supposed to do.. lol.. kind of struggling with my course at the moment.. obviously as i have not done any programming before in my life.. but i'm glad that there r other frens that r willing to help me whenever i need it.. other than that.. everything is alright.. except a couple of singaporeans that ruins my daySS a lot of times! sorry la.. not to be discriminating or anything.. u all should know the singaporeans very "kia su" one la.. so fake tim! even my bro can't stand them! that reminds me.. my bro is STILL staying with me.. he's booking his ticket to fly back on the 29th of november. At first when i heard 29th.. i thought he meant 29th of october.. -.-'''''''''''''''''...... help!!!! i can't stand him any longer... =S=S=S another 5 weeks to go dudes!!!! i'm seriously counting down man!
boringness to the max! lol.. well.. actually had things planned out for the weekend.. first option was to go paintballing.. but i couldn't get the ticket.. so nvmla.. go nxt time.. then was supposed to go shopping in Birmingham but i woke up late.. so my frens left without me.. lol.. n i'm left here all alone.. oh well.. at least i've also got plans for the nxt 2 weekends.. wheee~~~~~
week 1 of uni ended.. hehe.. one weekend coming up.. missed my first ever lecture today. just didn't wanna get outta bed.. quite a lot of ppl didn't go too.. so i dun feel that bad.. haha.. enjoying my time over here.. so far not much lectures hv began so this week is quite relaxed.. but nxt week onwards it would be hell! haha.. lots of lectures..