DONE WITH WORKKKKKKKKKKKK.. joining LML Sdn Bhd nowwww.. woo hoo!!! holidayyyyy =)=)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
time for updates!!!!!!!! lol.. been back for a month already.. practically everyday just work n sleep seriously.. weekends r party times.. so i'm seldom at home.. hehe.. oh well.. pics time! =D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ big big big big humungous ginormous Me to You bear.. ^_^
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dinner with Qin n JD
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ badly bruised hand from volleyball
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ von's bday
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I HAVE FINISHED MY EXAMS AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!! wheeee~~~~~~~~~
had a picnic straight after my paper this afternoon.. lol.. out in the big bright sun.. so hot laaa.. but then.. had fun..
tmr shopping spree.. wahahaha..
only hv to worry at the end of this month.. when results come out.. but till then.. enjoyyyyyyyyyyy..
Monday, May 21, 2007
went to the library at 8.30 this morning n only returned home at 10.30pm.. haha.. didn't do much revision though.. coz seriously too too too tired.. but at least done more than what i could've covered if i was in my room..
then Hong (Reb's bf) came up from London today.. Rebecca's bday this wednesday.. she doesn't know.. so it's a surprise.. he left some stuff at my place.. then tmr coming to my place n cook.. n we'll hv a surprise meal for her.. all planned by Hong himself.. so sweet! lol..
before meeting up with Hong right.. i went to my department to check my pigeon hole.. expecting a letter from my lecturer.. but guess what!!!!??? i found a note for me!!! hahaha.. so happy! this is what it said..
"Hi Krystal! ^_^
Hows revision? Good luck with exam!!!!
Muchos love
ur bored seniors =)
P.S. Have fun(?) picking next year's modules =P - senior#2"
just excited to receive something outta the blue la.. i love surprises!!! but seriously dunno who the seniors r.. =S=S
Monday, May 14, 2007
AHEM AHEM!!! *clears throat* i stand "virtually" in front of my friends here.. to announce that i m the Financial Secretary of the Brunei Warwick Society!!! wahahahahahhaa!!!! in short.. treasurer laa.. lol.. =)=).. *applause sign lights up*... hint hint.. hahaha..
anyway.. swiftly moving on.. had a bruneian gathering today la.. what i LOVED abt this gathering was that almost every bruneian turned up.. had a strong sense of unity la just now.. lol.. had loads of food too! had 3 rounds of lunch.. then crisps n chocolate n etc.. omgggg.. did a lot of stuff in this gathering.. celebrated a seniors bday.. gathering for the leavers.. then meeting for the BWS.. coz we're launching the FIRST ever Brunei society in Warwick.. so had to decide on the society's name.. it's Execs etc.. wanted to call it WBS (Warwick Brunei Society).. but then it would be a copy of the Warwick Business School.. lol.. then had a logo design competition.. there were at least 6 entries.. n we decided to use a combination of all the designs produced.. ^_^
spent HRS at that seniors hse.. then some went back to uni.. Cindy, SzeNee, Jimmy & I went to WingWah for dinner though.. waaaaaaaaaa.. ate more food.. sighhhh.. =_=.. then we WALKED back to uni..... omggggg.. damn fun laaaa.. i really enjoyed today.. seriously.. just took my worries away from me for a day.. =D=D now hv to return to reality n face the music.. hv to start revision already.. hvn't done any at all till now! sighhhh.. add oil everyone!!! gambateh!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i damn love this cake laaaaa.. dun u think it's sooo cute??? it's the leavers' cake btw.. lol..
~~~~~~~~~~~~ the voting table..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ everyone's signature!!! behind the voting table.. wheeee~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the voting ballots
n we're keeping every first things for rememberance.. like the nominees table.. the voting ballots etc.. ^_^
Saturday, May 05, 2007
a start of a bad day.. firstly woke up early coz i WAS supposed to go london to meet up Angel.. my high school fren.. then when i got ready n was abt to leave my room.. i saw her text saying that she couldn't go.. so the whole trip got cancelled.. which leaves me with nothing to do today.. i dun mind.. help me save money also laaa.. but i could've gone to alton towers instead.. n i called her.. she didn't pick up her phone.. n just sent a txt back saying sorry.. -.-''''
i dunno y.. but i just feel soooo lost n soooo empty.. like the whole world has turned their backs on me.. like the group of frens i normally hang out with, i.e. my future housemates.. well.. one just wants to be his with gf-to-be now.. then.. another one just always "puts aeroplane".. then one more just plain selfish.. n today.. even Angel's let me down too!!!!! omggggg.. i didn't feel that bad up till here.. but then tried to call Kan.. both his phones off.. even he is doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!! straight away ='(.. guess u still can't be there for me when i need u.. dun say i never gave u the chance.. noone's there for me anymore.. guess i'm all on my own.. hv to stand firm.. i can do it without anyone's help..